Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lets do the Blog Hop again...

Its just a blog to the left, then a link to the right. Put your hands on your keyboard (okay that doesn't really fit), bring your fingers in tight. But its the giant lists that really drives you insaine. Lets do the blog hop again!

Okay, so maybe I should lay off the caffeine and watch less Rocky Horror. But lets be honest, that probably wont ever happen. So instead I'm going to announce some up coming blog hops. In case you haven't noticed I have a thing for blog hops.They make me feel special. Well, okay, they don't, but they do give me something to write about, and its fun to see what other people write about when everyone has the same "topic" 

I've been participating in the Insecure Writers Group

Which takes place the first Wednesday of every month. I'm sure you've heard me talk about it before. Its great because nothing is worse than feeling insecure and feeling alone, except for maybe starving children. Its designed to be a safe haven, for writers, and lets face it, who isn't occasionally insecure.  One of my favorite things about this blog hop is that its continuous, its a first Wednesday thing, and you can join at any time. In fact, if your feeling insecure right now, yes I am looking at you, and yes I know, you should go join. Another thing I love about this blog hop is that it was my first ever blog hop, and its introduced me to a great many interesting and fun blogs. 

Including Cassie Mae over at Reading Writing and Loving It 

They are hosting an up coming blog hop called "I'm hearing voices" and who isn't, I know I do.

The premise of this blog hop is to write about your characters. Its four days, the second week in February (6th, 8th, 10th), each day with a different theme/writing exercise to let characters come out and play/help make them stronger. I'm really excited about it. Probably too much so, since I've already been writing one of them, I have a feeling I will have alot of editing to do though. So get over to Cassie Mae's blog and check it out. 

hrough Cassie, I heard of another blog hop, hosted by Hope Robertson of My Protector: the Calling 

This blog hop is called "Is It Getting Hot in Here"  which is a bit more girly than I normally do, but hey, its on Valentines Day, the fake holiday that it is. But since I am habitually single, see not liking people, or online dating, to understand why. I thought it would be fun to use this. 

The premise is you share one of your favorite kissing scenes. Either one you wrote, one from a work of fiction/movie/tv show you like, or your own peronal story. I might do both, or all three. Cause you know, if I am going to fake being girly I might as well go all the way (take that anyway you want to). 

The last blog hop (I promise) is the marathon Blog Hop. And probably a really bad idea. Is hosted by a bunch of people, and its called Blogging from A to Z Challenge

The goal is to blog every day but Sunday in the month of April, each day following a letter of the alphabet. Now, I am super apprehensive about this. Mostly because I think of it as Nanowrimo for blogging, and I also think Nanowrimo leads to some less awesome writing, but my goal is to do this blog hop, AND not have my blogging go down hill, not that I always write fabulous or even very good blogs, but I want to keep on the level of par that I've been playing. Plus, I might make it alcoholic alphabet themed. That could be fun. A is for alcohol. B is for beer, C is for Chardonnay.

Any opinions on blog hops?

And because I cant help but to hope that I have the time warp stuck in your head, here is this


  1. Glad you're participating in the A to Z Challenge! We have a lot of cool things planned this year. Also glad you've benefited from the IWSG. People keep signing up, which is awesome, and everyone seems to get so much from it.
    Once in a while I have a good idea...

    1. It really has been a great deal of fun. And I'm excited for the A-Z challenge.

  2. I do tend to sign up for a lot of blogfests. I can't help it, I run out of ideas on my own. I can use all the help I can get.

    1. I'm with you. I have plenty of moments where I am like, hmm...what should I blog about today, and nothing comes.

  3. Oh, I'm most definitely an insecure writer. With or without this group. But yes, I'm part of this too.

    Also, call me heartless, but the starving children thing just doesn't "do it" for me. I'm really quite unfazed. Is that wrong?

    1. You know, if staving children is your thing, I might be concerned.

      I hope regular children don't "do it" for you either.

      Wait. Are we talking about the same thing?

  4. Thanks for writing about this Sara! The character blogfest sounds like a great exercise. So I'm heading over to sign up myself.

  5. Wow Sara. That's more blog hops then I've done since I started blogging.

    1. Yeah...I went a bit overboard. What can I say, I got excited.

  6. Wahoo! Thanks for spreading the word! Super excited about them :)

    1. Thanks for hosting! I cant wait to read everyone's stuff.
